Mosaic New Mexico

Julie Deery
For decades, Julie created public mural art and mosaic sculpture on the East Coast, working collaboratively with communities and schools. At WHYY in Philadelphia she created The Universe of Possibilities with Baily Cypress. Today, she lives and works in an old adobe house in Galisteo village, a home that was made and remade as it expanded with the generations. Her large studio looks out toward the bosque, where the Galisteo River swells and ebbs. She works inside or out, as her projects and the weather permit. And when it is time for a break, she naps on her daybed with Billy Goat, her dog.
Julie and her husband Paul were living in their van when they found themselves called to make a home in Galisteo. Since then, the New Mexico landscape has impacted her ‘in ways that run deep’ – from the inspiration of fellow artists, to learning to weld at Raven Tree Studios, where she expanded her range to include larger sculptures in metal and mosaic. And, perhaps most importantly, there’s the quiet days and dark night skies, the coyotes and harsh Spring winds, and the enormous sense of space which clears her mind and directs her thoughts into the creation of new forms of art.