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Scottie Sheehan


Born in New Jersey and growing up in Port Jefferson, a harbor town on Long Island, Scottie Sheehan was surrounded by the talent of many artists, the cultural stimulation of New York City, and fortunate to study under inspirational, creative, and unique educators. 


Scottie lived in Houston, Boston and then St. Louis where her work in stain glass, clay and fashion design reflected the varied inspiration of each city before moving to Albuquerque in 1976 with her family.  Here she studied batik under the inspirational instruction of Judith Roderick and exhibited for several years both at at the June Arts and Crafts Fair and the Southwest Fair. 


In 1996, Scottie started finding her artistic voice through experimentation and exploration in mosaics.  Scottie's beginning decorative mosaics have now evolved into mosaic murals and sculptural pieces.  She combines and applies a collection of broken and altered figurines, porcelain, ceramics, crafted clay pieces, chotchkies, beads, and found objects on to a structural base designed with elements such as Styrofoam, plaster of pairs, terracotta forms, mannequin pieces, and wood.  By recycling old, damaged and no longer treasured pieces she gives them new meaning, life, and purpose.  Scottie continues to enjoy the freedom and evolution of expressing herself through mosaics. 

© 2014 by Mosaic New Mexico

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Background Mosaic:  "Dragonfly Sanctuary (detail)", 2011,  Albuquerque Botanic Gardens, by Laura Robbins

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